Know more about Python !

Know more about Python !

Reasons for famous and fast growing.

Python was mainly developed for its code readability. It allows programmer to express the concept In fewer lines of code. Python has become one of the fastest growing programming languages making it the obvious choice for developing applications with machine learning, AI, big data and IOT.

Its because of the libraries. The standard library consists of more than 200 core modules and around 137,000 python libraries have been developed to date. Some of the benefits of programming in Python include:

   - Presence of Third Party Modules
   - Extensive Support Libraries
   - Open Source and Community Development
   - Learning Ease and Support Available
   - User-friendly Data Structures
   - Productivity and Speed

Programming languages grows faster when a corporate sponsor backs it. For example, PHP is backed by Facebook, Java by Oracle and Sun, Visual Basic & C# by Microsoft. Python Programming language is heavily backed by Facebook, Amazon Web Services, and especially Google.

Due to its corporate sponsorship and big supportive community of python, python has excellent libraries that you can use to select and save your time and effort on the initial cycle of development. Libraries with specific focus are also available like nltk for natural language processing and scikit-learn for machine learning applications. There are many frameworks and libraries are available for python language, such as:

  • matplotib for plotting charts and graphs
  • SciPy for engineering applications, science, and mathematics
  • BeautifulSoup for HTML parsing and XML
  • NumPy for scientific computing
  • Django for server-side web development

Thanks for reading 🙂